But first, what are the benefits of a Decluttered Wardrobe?
1. You’ll have less decision fatigue
2. You’ll reclaim hours (even days) of your life back
3. You’ll reduce unnecessary stress and overwhelm
Sounds amazing right!
Decluttering your wardrobe can be done in 4 easy steps:
Step 1. Donate, sell, or recycle things that:
-Don’t fit
-You don’t like
-Are duplicates or very similar in colour and style to something else you own
-Don’t work with your skin tone or body type
-Are stained or damaged beyond repair.
Step 2. Clear some space in your wardrobe and organize what’s left into categories:
-Bottoms (non-denim trousers/pants, skirts, and non-denim shorts)
-Denim (long and short)
-Tees and tanks
-Tops and blouses
-Dresses and jumpsuits
-Coats and jackets
Step 3. Choose your core capsule pieces:
-Think about what clothes you need for how you live your life. Do you need more formal clothes for work or do you live in casual clothes for working from home? Your range and quantity of clothes should reflect your lifestyle.
-Consider how versatile the remaining items are- are they colours that work together? Can these clothes be layered in different seasons depending on the temperature? Do they mix and match?
Step 4. Place your clothes back in your wardrobe.
- Hang as much as possible- choose a coat hanger that supports your clothing well
- Fold what would get stretched or damaged if hung
- Use drawer dividers or small boxes to organise items such as underwear and socks.
-Group items such as bags or accessories together so that they can be clearly seen.
Final Words of Wisdom
Decluttering will take time and this is NOT a race. If you feel overwhelmed or are time poor, don’t declutter your entire wardrobe in one go. Split your clothes into different categories and do one a day knowing that the outcome will assist you for many mornings ahead.
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